How to Lose Weight and Get in Shape - Even if You Can't Workout

Cheryl Conklin
October 23, 2018

By Cheryl Conklin from

Have you gotten too busy to work out? Did you recently get injured? Or maybe it’s just not in your budget to join a gym? Whatever your reason is for not being able to strenuously workout, you can still lose weight and get in shape. Here’s how.

Manage your portions

What — and how much — you eat affects your weight than exercising does. One of the primary reasons for people becoming obese or overweight is overeating. Taking steps to control your portions can make the world of difference — not only in your weight but in how you feel. It can be worth the money to invest in tools like measuring cups, digital food scales, and portion control plates. It doesn’t take your body long to get used to smaller portions.

Consider gut health

Another thing to consider when it comes to keeping your health and fitness in check is your gut health. For instance, research xylooligosaccharides (XOS). Many people add these prebiotic fibers to their diet, as it can improve gut health and make you feel better in general. Found in bamboo shoots, milk, and rice bran, these health-boosting carbohydrates can survive in your digestive tract—unlike most carbohydrates. One of the best parts about XOS is that it only takes a small amount to positively affect your microbiome.

Walk for 30 minutes

Strenuous exercise may not be an option, but if you can walk, it can make a big difference in your physical health. If you want to lose weight, stick to your diet and walk at least 30 minutes, five days a week. If you want to lose weight and build your fitness, walk closer to 60 to 90 minutes five five days a week. The average person needs to walk at least 150 minutes per week (2.5 hours) to see health benefits. However, if that sounds overwhelming, start with 15 minutes a day and build up to your goal over time.

Sleep seven to nine hours

Sleeping is just as important as eating. Just like we must have food for nutrition, we must have sleep for recovery and regeneration. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem for Americans, and a big reason is that people don’t think they have the time for it. But not getting enough sleep can have a negative impact on your metabolism, lead to unhealthy eating habits, hinder you from functioning well during the day, and lead to a slew of other physical and mental health issues. For adults aged 18 to 64, the National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours. For ages 64 and over, it’s seven to eight hours. Whether you have to change your schedule, see a sleep specialist, or take any other measures, make sure you get your hours in at night.

Don’t sit for more than 30 minutes at a time

As a way of forming good habits, try not to sit in any one place for more than 30 minutes. In other words, if you work at a desk all day, try to get up and move around every half hour. Regular movement can help mitigate the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. You could do anything, from going to chat with your coworkers at the coffee station to going for a brief walk around the office. Just don’t let yourself sit all day without moving.

Even if you can’t do strenuous workouts, you don’t have to let that stop you from losing weight and getting in shape. Start controlling your portions and look into XOS to improve your gut health. Start walking each day and make sure to get enough sleep. Make a habit of getting up and moving around throughout the day. Follow these tips and you should notice results in no time!

Photo Credit: Unsplash

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